Shipping Pets To Australia
As Australia pet shippers below is our summary information and requirements for the importation of cats and dogs into Australia.
When taking a dog to Australia from uk many people do ask about dog quarantine Australia from UK, Australia have very recently changed their import policy for dogs and cats from group 3 countries (Group 3 country - approved countries and territories in which rabies is absent or well-controlled; the UK qualifies).
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Animals must be shipped in IATA (International Air Transport Association) approved transit kennels that allow the animal to stand up without touching the top of the box, lie down and turn around.
There is only one Quarantine Station in Australia based in Melbourne, so animals must enter Australia at this airport. If you are unable to collect your pet(s), arrangements for can be made for movement of pets from the Quarantine station to other cities in Australia. We are able to assist with this, just ask!
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All Cats & Dogs will have to complete 10 days or 30 days in Quarantine on arrival.
Cost for the quarantine are $2000-$2600 (exclusive of vet visits etc). Please be aware payment for quarantine accommodation for your animal(s) will be due at the time of making the booking with the quarantine station, directly.
Every destination country has their own particular import requirements which can be, at first sight, slightly confusing. We at can provide a highly professional service, covering you and your pets wishes. Please do not hesitate to contact us for advice as our caring staff are always on hand to help.
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Get Quote- The estimated cost to import one cat or dog that undergoes the minimum 30 days quarantine is AUD $3800.
- The estimated cost to import one cat or dog that undergoes the minimum 10 days quarantine is $2800.
- have a valid Rabies Vaccination then 30 days later a PASS Titre Test result for Rabies
- To be completed and certified by an OV within 5 days of the departure.
Step by step guidelines help
All animals must enter MEL (Melbourne) and complete 30 days quarantine before they can travel internally. Please note that the quarantine time may be reduced to 10 days if the animal has originated from Australia. This is subject to compliance with the new regulations stipulated in the Australian Governments new proposal. See link below;
There are 3 instalments of the quarantine. The 1st initial payment will be for the post entry reservation. The 2nd Quarantine payment will be AUD 1610 due up to 10 days prior to departure and the 3rd payment will be the remaining balance depending on 10 or 30 days quarantine stay, this is due 1 week before release.
Step by Step instructions
- The application for this is submitted online using the BICON system. We can apply for the import permit on your behalf. All animals must be micro chipped (approved types only), have a valid Rabies Vaccination and Titre Test result for Rabies before an Import Permit can be applied for. One application must be submitted for each animal. The Import Permit will be valid for 1 year from the date of the blood test/blood arrival at the lab.
- Then wait 30 days
- Your vet will then complete the blood test for rabies (this is called the serology test or titre test). This must be sent to an approved lab for testing (APHA Weybridge or Biobest) Please ensure that the bloods are sent special signed for delivery.
- After APHA have provided a PASS rabies serology certificate then our vets can produce a Rnatt Declaration.
- Then wait 180 days (6 months) before your pet can travel.
- During the 180 days, our vets will complete the RNATT declaration and then I can apply for the import permit. Import Permits take 10 weeks to be issued.
- When the import permit has been issued then I will make a quarantine reservation at Mickleham Post Entry Quarantine Station in Melbourne
- Once we have a Quarantine date (takes 4 weeks), then I will make a schedule for you, this will include booking flights, overnight boarding, Export Health Certificate and parasite treatment with our vets and I will advise on dates for you to go to your vets for the tests and treatments.
- The day before departure, we can either collect your pet or you can drop off at our office, address in my signature.
- Our official vet will complete the Export health certificate and then stay overnight at our kennels/cattery.
- On the day of departure, we will take your pet to the airline for departure. Your pet will be the last one to be loaded on the aircraft and the first one off
- Your pet will be taken care of, have some food, have a leg stretch and then be taken onto their connecting flight to Melbourne.
- Once at Melbourne, the staff at Mickleham quarantine station will collect your pet and then the 30/10 days quarantine will begin.
- After the 30/10 days has been completed then you can organise with the quarantine station to collect your pet or we can organise onward travel within Australia.
- Easy, right!
Useful links
PLEASE NOTE: Previous changes to regulations means that the veterinarian that prepares the pet for export (takes the blood/administers the treatments etc) CANNOT be the OV that signs off the Export Health Certificate. There must be two separate veterinary practices involved. Please contact us for more information and assistance regarding this.
Animals must be accompanied by the following paperwork:
An Import Permit obtained from Australian Quarantine Services (AQIS).
The application for this is submitted online using the BICON system. We can apply for the import permit on your behalf. All animals must be micro chipped (approved types only), have a valid Rabies Vaccination and Titre Test result for Rabies before an Import Permit can be applied for. One application must be submitted for each animal. The Import Permit will be valid for 1 year from the date of the blood test/blood arrival at the lab.
An Official Export Health Certificate (this must be applied for from APHA)
and is to be completed and certified by an OV within 5 days of the departure. All UK Pets must be vaccinated against Rabies with an approved inactivated rabies virus vaccine at least 210 days prior to export and when the animal is at 12 weeks of age. If the animal has never been previously vaccinated, AQIS recommends that at least four weeks elapse between vaccination and blood sampling. From the date that the blood is received by the approved lab for testing (as long as the result is at or above the correct level) will be when the 180 days period starts before the animal can be exported to Australia.
For cats, it is recommended that they receive vaccinations for feline enteritis, feline rhinotracheitis and feline calicivirus at least 14 days before the flight and not more than 12 months beforehand.
For dogs, vaccinations for Distemper, Infectious Hepatitis, Canine Parvovirus, Parainfluenza & Bordetella Bronchiseptica (DHPPi and KC) at least 14 days before the flight and not more than 12 months beforehand are strongly recommended. Your dog must also be fully vaccinated for Leptospirosis more than 14 days prior to export. Treatments against Ticks, Fleas & Worms are to be given within the required schedule and repeated as per the manufacturers recommendation
If you are planning to take your pet abroad then please do get in touch and our friendly, knowledgeable staff will be happy to answer all your questions.
As our 5* reviews attest, we will work with you every step of the way to make sure your pet arrives at your destination, safely and in good health.
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